Girl fixing servers

Information Technology and Systems

School of Computer Science & Mathematics

red colour

bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的信息技术与系统专业弥合了计算机技术与商业世界之间的差距. By developing skills in both areas, 您将为在各种组织环境中开发和实施信息系统和技术做好充分准备.

Technology Open House

Sunday, November 12, 2023 @ 10 a.m.

Join us for our Technology Open House 以了解更多有关我们的科技专业,包括计算机科学、网络安全、数据科学 & 分析学,游戏设计和编程,信息技术和系统. 你将有机会直接听取计算机科学与数学学院院长的意见, 并与我们的教师和学生在我们的分组参观中交流,展示我们的设施.


Gain Foundational Knowledge to Expand Your Career Opportunities

While providing a common foundation in computing and business, 信息技术系统专业分为两个专业,分别针对特定的职业目标.

  • Information Technology Concentration:本课程为学生在网络技术、网络技术和多媒体方面做好准备. Learn hardware and software, web development technology and e-commerce, and the design of graphical interfaces.
  • Information Systems Concentration:平衡与开发相关的技术和业务技能, implementation, and maintenance of information systems. 关注商业智能、数据度量、数据仓库和信息质量等主题.

对于信息技术和系统专业以外的学生,每个专业都可以作为辅修课程. We encourage you to utilize our unique “academic triangle” 将你的专业与其他专业和辅修专业结合起来,为你的职业目标定制你的学术路径.

Learn from Experienced Award-Winning Faculty

As an Information Technology and Systems student at Marist, 你将向拥有数十年经验的业内顶尖人士学习. Wherever you want to go in your career, your faculty have been there and created a path for your success. Below are a few of the faculty in this program, or you can view all Computing Technology faculty >

Image of students working collaboratively in a robotics competition.


At Marist, 我们相信,体验式学习的机会对全面的教育至关重要, and the Information Technology and Systems programs are no exception. Whether you participate in the Marist/IBM Joint Study program or take exciting and unique hands-on elective courses, there are always opportunities to learn by doing. For example, students in the Robotics 本课程使用包括反应控制在内的技术解决现实世界中的机器人问题, PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) turning, 并通过实现势场算法进行定位和路径规划.

计算机科学与数学学院为我提供了很多机会,我不确定我是否能在其他地方拥有这些机会, 从大一暑假参加Marist/IBM联合研究,到与优秀的老师一起完成独立项目,再到在校园里甚至在波基普西的IBM主楼获得数据中心的经验.

Murray Coueslant


Read Murray's Story >

在Marist/IBM联合研究中,我正在研究量子计算以及如何在其中编码. I am so grateful for what Marist has given me so far, and I believe Marist has prepared me to succeed.

DeAnna Singer


Read DeAnna's Story >

能够在IBM的TechConnect竞赛中展示我们的工作是一次了不起的经历. 我对Marist-IBM联合研究以及与我们一起工作的个人都感到一种成就感和深深的感激.

Vallie Joseph

Computer Science Major, Concentration Software Development, Information Technology, Information Science, and Games and Emerging Media Minors

Read Vallie's Story >

我在玛丽斯特的教育经历帮助我进入了健康数据分析师的职业生涯,因为所教授的课程为我奠定了非常坚实的IT基础. 我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注接受的教育提高了我的技术技能,并进一步完善了我的软技能, which I find are essential to success.

Sristi Shrestha

Master in Information Systems

Read Sristi's Story >

Information Technology and Systems by the Numbers

Image of 96 percent.


Image of increase of 11 percent.
从2019年到2029年,计算机和信息技术行业的就业预计将增长11%, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Image of 88 thousand dollars.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 计算机和信息技术行业的平均年薪是88美元,240.
Students walking in front of the rotunda

At Marist, 我们致力于为学生提供全面的文科教育,为他们在各自领域的实践经验和深刻的成功做好准备,我们为此感到自豪. 但不要只相信我们的话,数字会说话.


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