






Marist CSS配置文件


The SFS 贷款中心 has dedicated staff for our students and families to help better understand and manage their loans. 致电或电邮我们(sfsloancenter@tamascandle.net)安排面对面或虚拟预约.

玛丽斯特学院将参加威廉·D. 福特直接贷款计划.  贷款人是美国.S. 教育部.   FAFSA必须在获得直接补贴或无补贴贷款之前完成.  


直接补贴贷款的利率在贷款期限内始终是固定的. 然而, 利率将于每年六月为下一个奖励年度的新贷款厘定, 从7月1日到6月30日. 请访问学生援助中心.最多的是政府 现行利率. 本金和利息在毕业后六个月开始偿还, 或在学生停止入学至少一半时间后. Interest on this loan is paid by the Federal Government while the student is enrolled at least half time in a degree program. Federal provisions eliminates the interest subsidy provided during the six-month grace period for Direct Subsidized 贷款 for which the first disbursement is made on or after July 1, 2012, 七月一日之前, 2014. Students receiving a subsidized loan during this timeframe will be responsible for the interest that accrues on the loan during the grace period. 如果学生不支付应计利息, the interest will be added (capitalized) to the principal amount of their loan when the grace period ends.

Direct Subsidized 贷款 are awarded to students with financial need determined by the FAFSA (Free Application 为 Federal Student Aid) form.


对于直接无补贴贷款,学生负责在校期间的利息支付. (你可以选择推迟支付利息和本金,直到你毕业后.直接无补贴贷款的利率在贷款期限内始终是固定的. 然而, 利率将于每年六月为下一个奖励年度的新贷款厘定, 从7月1日到6月30日. 请访问学生援助中心.最多的是政府 现行利率. 还款开始于毕业六个月后,或者在你停止注册至少一半时间后. Students are awarded a Direct Unsubsidized Loan if their FAFSA information determines they have no financial need.


  • 学生必须在任何时候都至少有一半的时间(6学分)才有资格获得这项贷款.
  • The Direct Loan 主本票 (MPN) is a promissory note under which you may receive multiple subsidized and unsubsidized loans over a maximum ten-year period. 如果你在第一年或第一学期完成了MPN, 你可能10年内都不用再填写申请了, 或者直到你进入另一所大学.
  • The Direct Loan 主本票 (MPN) is a promissory note under which you may receive multiple subsidized and unsubsidized loans over a maximum ten-year period.
  • 所有直接贷款都需要支付费用. 这些费用将在发放前从贷款收益中扣除. 款项直接寄给圣母学院,每贷款期两笔.
  • 直接贷款资金将以电子方式转移到您的大学账户. These funds must be credited to your account in the Office of 学生财务服务 within 3 days of disbursement to the college or your loan will be canceled and your funds returned to the 教育部.
  • First-time borrowers of a Direct Loan must complete an entrance counseling session before you receive your loan. 这可以确保你接受了贷款咨询,并了解你的责任.
  • 所有直接贷款的借款人必须在退出前完成退出咨询会议, 转移, 休假, 或者从大学毕业. 这可以确保你得到了贷款咨询,并了解你的权利和责任.
  • Students changing from a Freshmen to Sophomore or from Sophomore to Junior status may be entitled to additional loan monies as per the 联邦直接贷款限额.  Please contact the Office of 学生财务服务 for further information regarding this increase.
  • 如果你选择退学或从bet亚洲365欢迎投注请假, 你必须通知有关部门.  Please contact the Center for 咨询和学术服务 to complete an official withdrawal/休假 form and then contact the Office of 学生财务服务 to cancel your financial aid or complete a Title IV calculation, 如果符合条件.  Please also notify the housing department if you have a housing arrangement and the 注册商 for official transcripts, 如果有必要的话.  
  • 请记住,联邦直接贷款是贷款,而不是赠款. 你必须偿还你所借的资金,加上利息和费用. 如果你有任何问题,不要犹豫,联系学生金融服务办公室.
  • Studentaid.政府 提供有关联邦贷款的信息,包括贷款类型, 支付金额, 未付本息, 还有你所有贷款的总额. 

家长将被要求填写申请表 & 教育部的主本票. 

  • 申请 家长PLUS贷款: Runs the parents credit and gives the school information they need to create your Direct PLUS Loan. 家长确实需要通过信贷审批才能获得这笔贷款.
  • 完成 主本票: Is a legal document in which your promise to repay the loan and any accrued interest and fees to the U.美国教育部. 它还解释了贷款的条款和条件。.
  • 如果美国学生申请美国留学,则需要PLUS咨询.S. 教育部 has informed you that you have an adverse credit history and you have obtained an endorser or documented to the satisfaction of the U.S. 教育部 that there are extenuating circumstances related to your adverse credit history.
  • PLUS咨询可随时自愿完成. If PLUS Counseling is completed voluntarily and you are determined to have an adverse credit history by the U.S. 在PLUS辅导完成后30天内到教育部办理, 您的PLUS咨询要求将被视为满足.

玛丽斯特学院参加了威廉D. 福特直接贷款计划. 贷款人是美国.S. 教育部而不是银行或其他金融机构. bet亚洲365欢迎投注 policy states that the FAFSA must be completed before a Direct PLUS Loan can be awarded. This change will require all new borrowers to complete 主本票s with the 教育部.

直接PLUS贷款是为受供养学生的父母提供的无补贴贷款. PLUS loans help pay for education expenses up to the cost of attendance minus all other financial assistance.  父母 of all income levels are eligible; however, 法规要求进行信用评估.

  • bet亚洲365欢迎投注 policy states that the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) must be filed for that school year and the dependent student must be enrolled in an under研究生 degree program in order for Marist to certify the PLUS Loan.
  • 借款限额为就读费用减去任何其他援助.
  • PLUS贷款的利率在贷款期限内是固定的. 然而, 利率将于每年六月为下一个奖励年度的新贷款厘定, 从7月1日到6月30日. 请访问学生援助中心.最多的是政府 现行利率. 你可以选择将所有的付款推迟到学生毕业之后.
  • 所有直接贷款都需要支付费用. 贷款费用将于每年10月确定. 这些费用将在发放前从贷款收益中扣除. 款项直接寄给圣母学院,每贷款期两笔.
  • PLUS贷款增加政策:如果现有贷款申请的信用检查尚未到期, 家长可以通过电子邮件请求增加贷款 sfsloancenter@tamascandle.net. 电子邮件必须来自最初申请中列出的父母电子邮件地址. 如果信用证已过期(超过180天), 家长应向学生资助处重新申请增加的贷款.政府.
  • Repayment begins 60 days after the 2nd disbursement with up to 10 years to repay depending on amount borrowed.  对延期还款感兴趣的家长应直接与贷款人联系.
  • 免除借款人或学生死亡或永久残疾的贷款. (这不适用于私人贷款融资)
  • Studentaid.Gov提供有关联邦贷款的信息,包括贷款类型, 支付金额, 未付本息, 还有你所有贷款的总额.  
  • 如果你为一个以上的学生申请直接PLUS贷款, 你需要为每一个人完成一个单独的MPN.


你必须是学生的亲生父母或养父母或学生的继父母, 申请时亲生父母或者养父母已经再婚的. Your child must be a dependent student who is enrolled at least half-time at a school that participates in the Direct Loan Program. 用于经济援助目的, 如果一个学生在24岁以下,他或她被认为是“依赖”, 未婚, 并且在提交联邦学生援助免费申请时没有法定家属. (退伍军人、法庭监护和其他特殊情况除外.)如果学生被认为是依赖, 那么父母的收入和资产必须在FAFSA上报告.

玛丽斯特学院参加了威廉D. 福特直接贷款计划. 贷款人是美国.S. 教育部. FAFSA必须在获得直接贷款之前完成.


直接无补贴贷款, the student must be at least half time status and is responsible for interest payments while in school. (你可以选择推迟支付利息和本金,直到你毕业后.直接无补贴贷款的利率在贷款期限内始终是固定的. 然而, 利率将于每年六月为下一个奖励年度的新贷款厘定, 从7月1日到6月30日. 请浏览www.热门产品.获取最新利率. 还款开始于毕业六个月后,或者在你停止注册至少一半时间后. Students are awarded a Direct Unsubsidized Loan if their FAFSA information determines they have no financial need.


  • 学生必须在任何时候都至少有一半的时间(6学分)才有资格获得这项贷款
  • If you complete a Direct Loan 主本票 (MPN) during your first semester at Marist 你可能10年内都不用再填写申请了, 或者直到你进入另一所大学.

The Direct Loan 主本票 (MPN) is a promissory note under which you may receive multiple subsidized and unsubsidized loans over a maximum ten-year period.

所有直接贷款都需要支付费用. 这些费用将在发放前从贷款收益中扣除. 款项直接寄给圣母学院,每贷款期两笔.

直接贷款资金将以电子方式转移到您的大学账户. These funds must be credited to your account in the Office of 学生财务服务 within 3 days of disbursement to the college or your loan will be canceled and your funds returned to the 教育部.

First-time borrowers of a Direct Loan must complete an entrance counseling session before you receive your loan. 这可以确保你接受了贷款咨询,并了解你的责任.

所有直接贷款的借款人必须在退出前完成退出咨询会议, 转移, 休假, 或者从大学毕业. 这可以确保你得到了贷款咨询,并了解你的权利和责任.

如果你选择退学或从bet亚洲365欢迎投注请假, 你必须通知有关部门. Please contact the Center for 咨询和学术服务 to complete an official withdrawal/休假 form and then contact the Office of 学生财务服务 to cancel your financial aid or complete a Title IV calculation, 如果符合条件. Please also notify the housing department if you have a housing arrangement and the 注册商 for official transcripts, 如果有必要的话.

请记住,联邦直接贷款是贷款,而不是赠款. 你必须偿还你所借的资金,加上利息和费用. 如果你有任何问题,不要犹豫,联系学生金融服务办公室.

美国.S. 教育局提供有关联邦贷款的信息,包括贷款类型, 支付金额, 原始贷款金额,贷款服务机构的名称和bet亚洲365欢迎投注.政府.

Your Federal Direct loan is automatically processed for the amount shown as part of your financial aid package, 除非你另行通知学生金融服务办公室.

请参阅 联邦直接贷款限额  PDF标志的图像


First time Marist borrowers must complete the Direct Loan Entrance Counseling and 主本票. 请点击下面的链接进入直接借贷网站. 使用您的FAFSA用户名和密码登录以在线完成此要求.


为了帮助学生和他们的家庭评估他们的贷款选择,Marist利用 榆树选择,该网站提供贷款人及其贷款产品的比较信息. 玛丽斯特学院为我们的私人贷款选择提供以下贷款人. Marist chooses to participate in a preferred lender arrangement with each lender so we may better assist our students and families in a more personal fashion.  Marist选择这些贷款机构是基于它们对行业的承诺, 代表借款人支付和发起或其他费用, 极具竞争力的利率和条款条件, 为学生提供高质量的客户服务和额外的有竞争力的借款人福利.  贷款人的选择不以任何方式局限于bet亚洲365欢迎投注建议的名单. 如果学生和他们的家长选择其他贷款机构, 他们不会因选择自己选择的贷款机构而受到任何惩罚.

私人贷款可以帮助学生支付玛丽斯特学院的学费. The maximum amount you may borrow on an private loan each academic year per student is the cost of attendance minus other financial aid received. 对于大多数私人贷款,贷款人要求学生至少年满18岁. 信用检查是必需的,某些贷款人也可能需要收入验证. 

联邦法规现在要求完成 私人教育贷款申请人自我证明表格 适用于所有私人教育贷款. The lender MUST receive the signed form from all students borrowing from the alternative loan program before they will approve/disburse the loan.  请填妥此表格并邮寄至您选择的贷款机构. 



可以在ELM选择贷款人列表页面的借款人福利部分查看贷款披露, 点击下面的链接.

银行的名字 贷款信息披露
国民银行 公民银行公民银行贷款披露
大学大道学生贷款 大学大道学生贷款披露
College Ave并不是名单上其他贷款机构的附属机构 
学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)

学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)不是名单上其他贷款机构的附属机构



选择贷款人并填写主本票, 请点击下面的链接,您将被引导到ELM选择. 当您登录榆树选择时,选择您的项目并查看披露信息. 要访问Marist推荐的贷方列表,请单击“查看贷款”."






• 国家学生贷款数据系统

• 教育冒险

• 学生贷款营销协会(Sallie Mae)教育投资规划师










•  联邦直接贷款退出咨询
•完成联邦直接贷款退出咨询是一项联邦法规. 如果你退出,必须完成退出咨询, 研究生, 上座率低于中场休息, 或者如果你转到另一所学校.  It will assist you in understanding your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower and provides useful tips and information to help you manage your loans.

•  退出辅导指南  PDF标志的图像


•  教师贷款减免计划  PDF标志的图像

•  教师贷款宽免申请  pdf标志的图像

