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Master of Business Administration

School of Management

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如果你已经准备好走到最前面,bet亚洲365欢迎投注的MBA学位会带你到那里. 我们的aacsb认证的100%在线MBA课程被美国排名在全国名列前茅.S. News & World Report's "Best Online Education Programs.“你将获得所需的技能和经验,同时扩大你的社交机会. bet亚洲365欢迎投注著名的MBA课程将为您提供所需的工具,使您在世界上一些最苛刻的专业环境中脱颖而出. 

Image of a laptop with a book in it.

100% online

Every course is offered 100% online for your flexibility.

Image of the number five.

Annual start dates

We offer start terms in August, October, January, March, and June.

Image of a graduation cap.

Accelerated Degree


Image of certificate to visualize specialized concentrations.

Specialized Concentrations


Image of AACSB logo.

AACSB Accredited


Find Your Competitive Edge with an MBA from Marist

玛丽斯特学院的aacsb认证MBA课程不仅仅是一个学位.  它是来自不同背景和经历的个人的中心,这些人塑造了全球经济的未来. As an MBA student at Marist, 您将受益于核心技能的强化课程,并可以探索独特的浓度, including:

Maris’s MBA program additionally offers a part-time and full-time academic path, as well as a 14-month accelerated track.  

Accelerated Online MBA Program

希望及时获得工商管理硕士学位的学生可以攻读为期14个月的MBA速成课程. Unlike the part-time program which can be started five times per year, the accelerated MBA has three start terms in the Summer, Fall, or Spring semesters. 加速MBA课程仍然为学生提供了发现独特专业的机会, receive hands-on industry-related experiences, and can enhance their academic and professional career goals quicker.

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Part-Time Online MBA Program

工商管理硕士学位是为在职成人设计的, offering a part-time approach. 学生可以在自己的时间完成学位,同时获得现实世界的经验. 在我们的MBA课程中,大约90%的学生在玛丽斯特学院兼职的同时完成了全职工作.

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The MBA is delivered 100% online:  bet亚洲365欢迎投注MBA以异步在线形式提供,以适应在职专业人士的需求. 虽然课程是结构化的和互动的-有明确阐述的作业, projects, readings, forum post discussions, 最后期限——学生不需要在特定的日期和时间登录.  

Image of the Marist campus from across the river.

An AACSB-accredited Program Built for Your Schedule

Whether you’re ready to enroll part-time or full-time, we can help. Our MBA program is designed with maximum flexibility in mind. Thanks to adaptive scheduling, 超过90%的bet亚洲365欢迎投注MBA学生是在全职工作的同时完成学位的. With five start opportunities throughout the year, there’s nothing stopping you from reaching your goals on your schedule. Our start dates are:


  • Fall Start: August
  • Fall Start: October
  • Spring Start: January
  • Spring Start: March
  • Summer Start: June

Learn More > 

An AACSB-accredited MBA Program with Prestige

在帮助学生扬名立万方面,我们以身作则. bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的MBA课程已经跻身全国顶尖的在线学位之列. Consistently ranked by prominent names like the Princeton Review, U.S. News & World Report, and MBA Central, bet亚洲365欢迎投注的MBA以其为勤奋、渴望成功的学生提供的变革性平台而著称.

Image of The Princeton Review text.

The Princeton Review’s

Image of U.S. News and World Report text.

U.S. News & World Report’s

Image of Top Online MBA badge.

#1 among MBA Central’s

Marist MBA Students Achieve Career Success

我们通过学生的成就来定义MBA课程的成功. 无论你是想在目前的职业中取得进步,还是想在新的职业中取得进步, Marist's MBA will enhance your professional journey.  在世界上一些最负盛名的组织中都可以找到bet亚洲365欢迎投注的MBA校友, like these shown below.

Learn More About MBA Career Impact >

Logos of MBA employers: Adobe Systems Inc., Aetna, Canon USA, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Nuvance Health
Logos of MBA employers:  Cisco Systems Inc., and Company, Fidelity Investments, Garnet Health, PepsiCo, Inc., Pfizer, Toll Brothers Builders

Learn From Faculty Who Are Industry Experts

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的MBA课程始终保持前沿,与当代和未来的趋势保持一致,因为我们的教师不仅仅是bet亚洲365欢迎投注的讲师, but active industry experts. Our MBA faculty successfully operate in today’s business world, and they apply their day-to-day business practices to their MBA instruction. See a few of the MBA faculty below or view all School of Management faculty >

自从开始bet亚洲365欢迎投注的MBA课程,我得到了晋升,现在我有信心继续在我的职业生涯中前进. 我已经能够将我所学到的很多东西应用到我现在的工作中,并且我觉得我已经获得了我以前所缺乏的领导和管理技能. 拥有bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的研究生学位让我对未来无尽的机会感到兴奋!

Nicole Byrne ’08, MBA ’17

Sr. Product Specialist
Canon, USA

我在课程作业中走出了自己的舒适区,我认为这是一件好事. I was always learning new things, so learning how I learn really helped me with other areas of my career. I also now have a broader understanding of management and business, 而不仅仅是我过去13年的教育或IT背景.

M. Sean Kowaliw MBA ’16

Director of Information Systems
Imaging On Call

Read M. Sean's Story >

After completing my MBA at Marist, 我所在的机构让我参与了不同的倡议和战略规划讨论,这些通常不在我的工作范围内. 在我和首席运营官讨论了我在课堂上学到的一些东西之后,我被邀请参加一个bet亚洲365欢迎投注内部营销的高管级别的静修. At the retreat, 我觉得自己被赋予了参与讨论的权力,并相信我能够贡献一个独特的观点,最终导致一些想法的实施.

Michele Conner MBA ’19

Astor Services for Family and Children Outpatient Centers

Read Michele's Story >

Marist offered me an MBA program that worked with my busy life. I very much enjoy the online learning experience. I worked this program around my activities. It allowed me to keep doing the important things in my life…work, volunteer, and spending time with my friends and family - all while earning my degree. 玛丽斯特学院的老师们在安排课程方面做得很好给了我们时间来完成作业,但我们仍然期待着好的结果, high-quality work.

Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration
Indiana Tech

Read Judy's Story >

Read Judy's Story >

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