

School of 专业项目


As the only ABA-approved paralegal program in the Upper Hudson River Valley, 玛丽斯特的律师助理证书课程旨在为你的实践经验做准备, 实践学习, and resources to move you forward in your career at an accelerated pace. Students with 36 qualifying credits can finish the 24 credits of paralegal coursework 以一种新的混合格式, that provides classroom learning experiences in person and synchronously on zoom.

星期二,2024年6月18日 @ 12:30 p.m.

通过参加我们的律师助理证书虚拟信息会议,亲身体验是什么让bet亚洲365欢迎投注律师助理证书如此独特 6月18日,星期二 at 12:30 p.m. During the Virtual 信息rmation Session, 你将有机会见到玛丽斯特律师助理项目主任/法律预科顾问, Annamaria Maciocia, and learn more about the 律师助理 Profession.

If you are interested in attending, RSVP below.

A Respected 律师助理 Program that Conforms to Your Schedule

As the only ABA-approved paralegal program in the Upper Hudson River Valley, Marist的律师助理证书旨在为您提供重要的实践经验和资源. 周末队列是一个完美的选择,以一个职业成年人的时间表和生活方式工作.









Image of adult students in classroom discussion.

Get Your Certificate On Your Schedule

bet亚洲365欢迎投注,我们知道你繁忙的日程安排很容易推迟你的职业发展. With classes taught by practicing attorneys, 我们的60学分的律师助理证书包括36个通识教育学分(可以从其他机构转移)和24个Marist律师助理学分. 律师助理证书课程提供两种方便的日程安排选择,以适应您快节奏的生活方式, 所以没有借口了.

  • 两个启动选项: Start options are available in Fall and Spring.
  • 周末格式: designed for adults with 36 qualifying transfer college credits, this option can be completed in 12 months, 通过在24个周末亲自或远程上课,完成要求的异步课程作业.
  • 晚上格式: designed to work well for undergraduates, as it fits right in with the traditional course schedule, or can be taken as a stand-alone certificate for working adults.
Image of adult students in classroom discussion.

Gain Real-World 律师助理 Experience

Marist’s academic approach provides a balance between theory and practice, and the 律师助理证书 is no exception. 你将完成你的证书与广泛的必要的实践经验,这将为你在你的领域的实际工作做好准备.

  • Complete legal research on federal and state issues
  • 练习入学程序
  • Develop a professional portfolio
  • Prepare settlement and disclosure statements for real estate transactions
  • 法律备忘录草案, 家事法庭上访, 经核实的离婚投诉, 最后遗嘱和遗嘱, 和更多的

Basch & 基冈,LLP)

bet亚洲365欢迎投注的课程为我提供了在法律领域取得成功所必需的实践和道德知识,并使我从其他求职者中脱颖而出. Because of the program's excellent reputation and ABA approval, 在拿到证书毕业之前,我就找到了一份收入颇丰的律师助理工作. I have been employed in the legal field for 6 years. 我目前在金斯敦一家专门处理人身伤害和医疗事故案件的律师事务所工作, 纽约. 我的工作中最有价值的部分是我有能力帮助我们的客户度过他们生活中最具挑战性的时期. 我感谢安娜玛利亚·马西奥西亚先生. 以及律师助理项目的其他教员,你们帮助我在一个专业行业站稳了脚跟,提升了我的职业抱负.

With the reputable 律师助理证书 from Marist on your resume, there is no limit to your career success. Past program graduates have begun careers at premier institutions in their fields, and below are only a few examples. 

Prior to enrolling in the Marist 律师助理 Program, I knew that I wanted to work at a law firm, but I wasn’t sure which area of law. 由于参加了这个项目,我的教授们在帮助我入门方面是一笔宝贵的财富. Through their various teaching methods, 我对法律职业有了更好的了解,也对哪些法律领域会引起我的兴趣有了更好的了解. The Marist 律师助理 Program was impressive from beginning to end.


塔特,克里斯凯 & 纽约德罗金律师事务所

40岁的时候,我对重返大学生活感到紧张,但bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学对我来说是一次美妙的经历. 我当时有全职工作,晚上去玛丽斯特学院上课,一学期上一门课,对我来说非常适合. .The program helped me get started in my career at IBM.



These courses are not your run of the mill, 整天坐着听老师讲课类型的课程,你将亲自参与,也与你的同学集体. 从律师助理课程毕业后不久,我得到了一份工作,在当地一家非营利组织担任家庭暴力律师助理.


Legal Services of the Mid-Hudson Valley

该计划涵盖了广泛的法律领域,为您提供了许多专业知识的坚实基础. This also helps you explore the different areas of law and find what interests you most. 我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的经历给了我力量和洞察力,我需要建立一个坚实的职业生涯作为一个律师助理.


Wilson Elser, Manhattan, NY insurance defense firm

Of all of my higher education experiences, 我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注律师助理项目的学习时光是最愉快的时光之一. I began the Program with an interest in the subject matter, 但是课程, 教授, and the discussions with my classmates helped to foster a true appreciation for the law. 教授们不仅提供了主题的实际应用,使课堂讨论具有相关性, 但在课外时间,他们会主动提出问题和进一步讨论. The Program is structured to help students succeed, 创造一个让学生参与并享受课堂时光的环境.



Marist’s 律师助理 Program helped me to “round out” my professional knowledge. Although I was a little bit apprehensive about going back to school after so many years, those thoughts quickly diminished. The program was very diversified, I never once felt out of place. 自从我完成这个项目以来,我已经获得了两次晋升,我毫不怀疑我获得的知识和经验是获得这些晋升所不可或缺的.

温迪一. Freyhagen

达奇斯最高 & 县法院

Image of adult students during a classroom discussion.

Take Your 律师助理 Education to the Next Level

为什么停在这里? bet亚洲365欢迎投注律师助理证书是一个独立的证书,旨在提供多种机会,使你的教育进一步发展. 该方案无缝集成到学士学位或硕士学位,采取你的正式培训, 还有你的事业, 更上一层楼.

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photo of documents regarting consolidated law

Overview of the 律师助理 Profession

If you enjoy dealing with legal issues, you should consider a career as a legal assistant, 或律师助理. The field has seen huge growth over the past 30 years, and it is expected to continue to be one of the fastest-growing over the next 10 years.

律师助理s work with lawyers to conduct research; investigate facts; analyze, 消化, and draft documents; interview clients and witnesses. Most paralegals work in law offices, corporations, and government agencies. To be effective, paralegals must be organized, analytical and good communicators. They must also enjoy research and writing. 律师助理不得直接向公众提供法律服务,但法律允许的除外.

Specialized training is recommended for individuals who want to become 律师助理s. 强烈建议拥有学士学位,包括或辅以律师助理培训. 拥有学士学位的学生可以使用证书课程来提高他们的市场技能.