Deb DiCaprio Retires with a Lifetime of Marist Memories

Deb DiCaprio, Vice President of Student Affairs, in her office in the 美利学生中心. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

12月11日, 2023年——对许多人来说, 元旦是一个充电的时间, 也许看一些足球比赛, 放轻松. 然而, 黛比·迪卡普里奥, Marist’s Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs, 1月8日家里安静的一天. 1982年1月1日改变了我的生活. While watching college football bowl games, she noticed a job posting in the 波基普西杂志 分类广告. The position involved student mentoring and goal setting at Marist. 她很好奇.

“我从来没去过bet亚洲365欢迎投注, 尽管他在达奇斯县长大, but I loved my time as a college student and this was a job in that environment, 所以我申请了,”她说。. “Father (Richard) LaMorte interviewed me and that was it!”

Image of Deb DiCaprio at the unveiling ceremony of the new rowing shell named in her honor at McCann Arena on Dec. 2.
Deb DiCaprio at the unveiling ceremony of the new rowing shell named in her honor at McCann Arena on Dec. 2 (also pictured from left to right, President Kevin Weinman, Beth Weinman and Dr. 杰弗里·布兰克特,执行副总裁). 图片来源:Marist bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

剩下的就是历史了. 随着2024年新年的临近, Deb will be retiring from Marist after an eventful and meaningful 40-year run as an integral part of the Department of Student Affairs — leading it for about half that time. To say she’s been an important part of the Red Fox family would be an understatement. 上周, the College held a campus celebration for her and even unveiled a brand new racing crew shell named in her honor at a Marist men’s basketball game with her family and other special guests in attendance.

“It’s hard to believe it’s all coming to an end, 但回头一看,我的脸上却露出了笑容,她在旋风式的一周中说道.

President Kevin Weinman commended Deb for her remarkable contributions to Marist at the campus event in her honor, emphasizing the importance of taking her work seriously while maintaining a lighthearted perspective.

“她有很强的幽默感, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a meeting with her where I didn’t hear her infectious laugh. She also has an underlying humility with a desire to never be the center of anything,” he said. “She always allows students to be at the center.”

In her first job at Marist, she spent three years as a student mentor. 这个角色要求她住在校园里, which gave her an immediate crash course on student life and how she could support them.

Image of 1984年,黛比·迪卡普里奥作为学生导师.
1984年,黛比·迪卡普里奥作为学生导师. Photo courtesy of Diane Hart, Associate Vice President, Operations.

“我住在Sheahan Hall和Marian Hall. 这是一次很棒的经历.”

In 1985, 黛布成了学生事务助理主任, 监督咨询, 卫生服务, the Office of 住宿和无障碍, campus ministry (now Spiritual Life and Service), 新生迎新, 还有家庭周末.

Image of Deb DiCaprio in her role of prepping students on their way to the stage on 毕业典礼 Day.
Deb DiCaprio in her role of prepping students on their way to the stage on 毕业典礼 Day. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Then, in 1988, the Marist campus became a part of Deb’s family life. It was then that during spring break that Deb and her husband Joe were married inside the Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel and then had their reception in the old dining hall on campus.

“The old dining hall was quite different than what we have now, 但那是一个很棒的聚会, because I felt like the whole Marist community made it beautiful,迪卡普里奥说。.

In 2001, she ascended to her current role as Vice President for Student Affairs. Deb says being so attuned to the needs of students over the years, kept her unusually connected to the pulse of the campus. 她说她会怀念这种联系.

Image of Deb DiCaprio presiding over the 2023 Marist Holiday Tree lighting.
Deb DiCaprio presiding over the Marist Holiday Tree lighting last month, 这是她每年都会做的事. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注. 

After experiencing so much for so long on campus, this is certainly a time for reflection for Deb. 当一切尘埃落定, she would have supported the success and development of thousands students. When asked what her most memorable time was during more than 40 years at Marist, she recalled the time that the student community needed her department the most.

“四十多年来发生了很多事情, but I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of my team than when COVID was raging. There was so much that needed to get done to meet the needs of students, including their most basic needs like getting them healthcare and meals on or near campus. 我的团队做了令人难以置信的工作. 我为他们感到骄傲.”

While her work is coming to an end and there is much she’ll miss, it’s certainly not goodbye for Deb.

“I’ll miss being so close to the students and the camaraderie of my team,”她说。. “每个人都很好,很热情. 然而,我不会离开. I’ll still be going to games, plays, concerts-all the fun stuff!”

Deb DiCaprio和Tim Murray的合影, 体育主任, 在她事业的校园庆典上.
Deb DiCaprio along with Tim Murray, 体育主任, at the campus celebration last week. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.
