Campus 通信

Office Hours with Dr. Catherine Gunther Kodat, Provost and Dean of 教师

Michelle Eggink, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
Dr. Kodat in her office in Hancock. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

办公时间是一个反复出现的环节,在这里,Inside Marist团队会与校园社区的主要成员进行对话. Find out more about the inner workings of the College, gain fresh perspectives, 并庆祝那些使bet亚洲365欢迎投注成为一个充满活力的社区的人做出的宝贵贡献.

在这一环节,《bet亚洲365欢迎投注内幕》的米歇尔·艾格克采访了教务长和院长, Dr. Catherine (“Katie”) Gunther Kodat. Dr. Kodat has held pivotal roles at universities across the country, serving as a Provost and Dean of 教师, 以及英美研究教授等重要领导职位. With extensive experience in academia, Dr. 柯达以其对多元化倡议和学术卓越的承诺而闻名.

博士图像. Kodat

Dr. Kodat in front of her office bookshelf. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q As Provost and Dean of 教师, what is the scope of your job?

A 教务长是负责所有学术事务的首席学术官.

也许我这个职位最令人兴奋的部分就是和玛丽斯特大学优秀的教员一起工作. 当我们想到 bet亚洲365欢迎投注100 and the academic vibrancy piece of it, 我的工作是支持教师,确保他们得到资源, time, and funding to teach, 进行研究, build professional skills, and present their work so that they can grow as scholars, 临床医生, 专业人士, 和艺术家. Their growth fuels student success, 随着教师在课程设计和教学方法上的创新越来越活跃, 在现有领域的体验式学习,以及对新领域和学术规划的探索.

Q As a scholar of 20th century literature and American studies, you've authored two books: Don't Act, Just Dance: The Metapolitics of Cold War Culture and Faulknerista. 你最喜欢的作家有哪些?你对年轻作家有什么建议?

马克吐温, 托妮·莫里森, 卓拉·尼尔·赫斯顿, and William Faulkner to name just a few from a very long list. 福克纳和莫里森一起读让我意识到,我真的很关心20世纪的作家是如何应对种族问题的, which led to my dissertation work.

我给年轻作家的建议是,努力寻找自己的声音感. 大多数作家都是从他们最喜欢的作家的风格开始写作的. It takes time to find your integrity, feel confident in your own writing, and be able to say what you want clearly and persuasively. Follow your interests and keep going until you find your voice.

问:你有一个独特的教育背景,先是在约翰霍普金斯大学皮博迪学院主修钢琴,然后在巴尔的摩大学主修英语,然后再攻读博士学位.D. 作为一名本科生,你自己的挑战和成就是什么?

作为一名学生, 在音乐学院的第一年和第二年之间,我不得不休息一年,全职工作以支付大学学费. 我通过当服务员、经济援助和贷款来支持我的学业. 没过多久我就明白了,全职工作和追求其他兴趣的愿望不允许我长时间练习钢琴. Sitting in one place just wasn't for me.

我还清楚地记得,大二快结束的时候,我在学校的钢琴教师评审团面前演奏,结果因为表演紧张而失败了. The life of a classical 音乐ian while wonderful for some, 不适合我,所以我转学去读英语和新闻.

大四的时候,我在《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》(Baltimore Sun)的发行量部门找到了一份工作,然后在编辑部慢慢晋升. 我的钢琴训练帮助我在总统选举年成为一名受欢迎的打字员,因为我的打字速度和准确性.

Q What about 音乐 and dance brings you joy?

伟大的音乐带来一种身体上的感觉,一种寒意,一种心灵和身体的超越. I love all kinds of 音乐, but moments of classical 音乐 move me most.

Dance is more of a visual pleasure, seeing different shapes take form. I was once a dance critic and also did adult ballet classes. 我现在做更多的瑜伽而不是跳舞,但在两者的日常和流动中发现了禅意.

Q What’s something most people don’t know about you?

我在成人芭蕾舞课上认识了我的丈夫,直到我们约会之后才发现他是巴尔的摩小马队的最后一个吉祥物(球队在1983年赛季后离开了巴尔的摩). His enthusiasm for the job led to my fascination with mascots. 有一次,我装扮成狐狸弗兰基(Frankie the Fox)去给一个即将入学的学生送录取通知书,玩得很开心.

Q You’ve lived and worked in a lot of places like Florida, 麻萨诸塞州, 俄勒冈州, 威斯康辛州, 宾西法尼亚, 马里兰, 和纽约. 你最喜欢的是什么,你现在住在哈德逊河谷有什么喜欢的?

我家经常搬家,因为我爸爸在联邦政府工作. 我是五个孩子中最大的,我们都出生在不同的州. 我们最终在纽约北部定居下来,所以这个地区对我们来说是最熟悉的. 另外,我的三个孩子现在都住在纽约市,这很好.

虽然我对我住过的每个地方都有不同的喜欢,但我想说东海岸是我的最爱. There is something about the landscape of New York, whether it's the Catskills or the Adirondacks, that just feels like home to me.

博士图像. 柯达在毕业典礼上

Dr. Kodat speaking at Convocation and the launch of bet亚洲365欢迎投注100. Photo by Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q Why did you choose Marist?

A I was on sabbatical but was looking forward to getting back east. That's when a search consultant, who also happens to be a long-time friend, suggested I take a look at Marist and their new President.

我被迷住了 President Weinman's inauguration speech, particularly his emphasis on the power of “AND not OR,在那里,学生不需要在文理学院和职业预科大学教育之间做出选择. 我心想, “是的, 这是高等教育更需要的,也是我想参与的.例如,一个喜欢吹单簧管的大学生也应该能够追求他们对计算机科学的热情, feeding ALL of their educational interests. What’s happening at Marist is really a model for the nation.

博士图像. Kodat at 戴森中心 construction site.

Dr. 柯达在新戴森中心建设期间与bet亚洲365欢迎投注政府成员一起签署了一根横梁. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Q What current and future Marist projects are you looking forward to?

A I’m very excited about the new 戴森中心 and all that it will have to offer for students and faculty from the Saxbys student-run cafe 到一个 mock courtroom and new investment center. 我正在讨论下一个大型学术建筑项目,总体规划即将启动. 沿着这条线, I’d also love to work on the arts, 令人振奋的舞蹈, 音乐, 表演艺术以及我们令人难以置信的时尚、艺术和设计课程. 我还和其他人一起编写教师手册,以填补最佳实践方面的空白,并为教师提供更多指导.
