
Internship Showcase Highlights Power of Hands-on Learning

Bryan Terry, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
Business administration major Evan Raider ’26 (right) speaks with accounting major Aaliyah Lane ’26 (left), who previously interned with 普拉格梅蒂斯注册会计师. Photo courtesy of Kevin McCall, Center for 职业服务.

4月16日, 2024 — Student growth and professional development took center stage at the 2024 Internship Showcase, an annual event that highlights Marist’s commitment to fusing liberal arts education with real-world experience.

有54个学生桌主机, 事件, which took place in the 美利学生中心 on April 4, was a vibrant hub of activity focused on peer mentorship. Attendees learned from the student hosts who have already experienced internships at top organizations across the globe, highlighting not only the diverse range of internship experiences but also serving as a platform for students to share their professional growth and networking strategies.

“The event emphasized the importance of proactive preparation and showcasing individual strengths,26岁的Melika Akhavan Farshchi说, a communication major and fashion merchandising minor. “Learning from diverse internship journeys underscored the critical role of networking, 适应性, and persistence in securing desirable positions within dynamic industries.”

“我想建立联系, 与更多的人交谈, and get some advice for myself going forward to possibly find an internship this summer,26岁的埃文·赖德说, a business administration major with a concentration in marketing.

Image of Journalism major Lola Piccolo ’24 with Roger Connor, Internship Placement Coordinator in the School of 传播与艺术.
Journalism major Lola Piccolo ’24, who interned with the 纽约邮报, with Roger Connor, Internship Placement Coordinator in the School of 传播与艺术. Photo courtesy of Kevin McCall, Center for 职业服务.

That this advice comes from fellow Red Foxes is what makes the showcase such an important opportunity for networking, underscoring a necessary aspect of today’s highly competitive job markets. Table hosts shared their internship experiences, offering advice and insights into successfully applying to, 准备, and engaging with internship organizations and opportunities.

“The Internship Showcase brings a unique perspective to the Marist student body, as we collaborate with one another for success,梅根·克莱顿说, a senior in the School of 社会与行为科学 who currently student teaches. “Having an opportunity to do so amongst peers who are driven to help them succeed helps make these challenging conversations manageable, and guide students on a path to post-graduate success.”

小艾玛·伊丽莎白·温克表示同意. “The internship showcase allowed me to share skills gained from 职业服务 with my peers, 比如简历制作, 面试技巧, 校友联系, 寻找实习机会,这位时尚营销专业的学生说.

Image of student table hosts at the Internship Showcase.
Student table hosts at the Internship Showcase. Photo courtesy of Kevin McCall, Center for 职业服务.

Among the organizations represented were Anderson Center for Autism, 宝格丽, 花旗集团(Citigroup), 海德公园中心学区, IBM, 中哈德逊地区医院, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 普拉格梅蒂斯注册会计师, Regeneron制药, 美国众议院, 达奇斯县公设辩护人办公室 , 罗斯福总统图书馆, 摩根大通 & Co.奥斯卡·德拉伦塔, 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》和华特迪士尼公司.

Eighty-six percent of Marist graduates participated in one or more internships, with many crediting these experiences as a primary reason they landed their first job after graduation.

The College’s dedication to extending learning beyond the classroom is further supported by the 1,728 alumni career mentors in the 校友 Career Network. These mentors play a pivotal role in guiding students through the intricacies of career development and networking.

“Our students not only participate in competitive internships, but they also take the time to give back to the community and share those experiences and connections with their peers,玛丽·琼斯说。, Executive Director of the Center for 职业服务. “This event was truly a testament to the wisdom, 字符, 以及圣母学院学生的善良, and I continue to be inspired and impressed by their talents.”

Marist’s specialized internship programs, such as the 奥尔巴尼暑期实习计划 以及塔弗暑期实习项目, along with graduate opportunities at the campus in Florence, ensure that students graduate prepared and career-ready.

点击这里 to learn more about internship opportunities at Marist.
