
Navigating Emotions and 信息rmation in Times of Turmoil


11月6日, 2023年-过去几周, many in the Marist community have been hurting and may still be processing a wide range of emotions over recent world events, 尤其是在中东地区. Navigating the overwhelming volume of images and information - and increasingly disinformation - can be a daunting task, making it difficult to manage emotional responses.

Marist 教师 and staff offered tips to help manage emotions related to current events and foster a caring community.


Dr. Daria汉森, Marist’s Bachelor of Social Work Program Director, said it is important to acknowledge the fear, 悲伤, 愤怒, or other feelings that we and those around us are experiencing. 

“We can each be an agency of peace and justice in our own lives and with others,” Dr. Hanssen, who is also an associate professor of social work. “Be kind to one another and this is a time to respect one another’s boundaries in delicate conversations.”

在这个充满挑战的时代. Hanssen says everyone can play a part in creating a community of peacefulness dedicated to empathic learning and the pursuit of a better world.

“在这个充满冲突的世界里, 不公正和冲突, we can all do what we can to create a community of peacefulness devoted to empathic learning and hope for a better world,她补充道。.

Dr. Hanssen said the media we consume can cause more harm than good, and to be on the lookout for signs of mental health struggles. They could range from feeling exhausted to experiencing increased stress, 焦虑, 甚至是一种绝望的感觉.


In the age of the 24/7 news cycle and social media, staying plugged into the constant stream of information has become a challenge, making it difficult to unplug and find moments of respite. The accessibility of news through digital platforms and social media ensures that updates and headlines are just a click away, 导致信息过载.

根据皮尤研究中心, approximately 50 percent of Americans rely on social media for their news. 最近几周, our social media feeds have been inundated with graphic footage from the Middle East, 其中一些是准确的, 有些则不然.

Dr. 阿曼达·达我是bet亚洲365欢迎投注医院的主任 社交媒体中心, underscores that while social media provides swift information sharing, 它不能始终如一地传达真相, 引起混乱和仇恨的.

“When it comes to verifying the accuracy of information, media literacy skills are key,” Dr. Damiano, whose research interests include social and psychological effects of new media technology. “Being able to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use mass communication must be a constant goal: Knowledge is power.” 


Dr. Damiano highlighted the difficulty social media companies face in combatting misinformation due to the relentless global information flow. 而元, 运营脸谱网的母公司, Instagram, 和线程, is reportedly strengthening security measures in response to a surge in rule-violating content, TikTok has also bolstered its moderation efforts. 另一方面, platforms like 推特/X have faced staffing challenges, underscoring the importance of users flagging false content.

为了确保信息的准确性. Damiano said media literacy skills are essential. 

“It's important to verify information by cross-referencing it with three reputable sources that confirm the facts. 我们分享之前必须三思, 以及有编辑控制的消息来源, 验证内容有效性的哪个尝试, 是理想的,”她说。. 


Self-care is extra important during times like these. 咨询服务 are available to any student seeking support, 富有同情心的倾听者, 或相关服务, and they can be accessed both in-person and online. 

“Taking care of ourselves and each other is especially important during times like these, 每个人看起来都不一样,” 玛丽莎·摩尔咨询服务主任. “例如, some people may prefer to journal out their thoughts and feelings on paper or on their (smartphone) notes app.”

Moore said students are always welcome to schedule an appointment or stop by one of 咨询服务’ three Let's Talk locations, 这些都是非正式的, private consultations with a Counseling Center clinical counselor. 此外, 繁荣的校园 resource is available for finding off-campus or at-home therapists, 使之成为有价值的资源, 尤其是在休息的时候.

点击这里了解更多 about 咨询服务 and using the Let’s Talk and 繁荣的校园 resources.


属灵生活与服务办公室 is available for any member of our community, regardless of their faith. 

多元化、公平和包容办公室 可以和学生见面吗, 教师, and staff who may want to discuss their concerns about the local or global climate. 

教师 and staff enrolled with College benefits can also utilize the 员工援助计划这是一项由安泰保险管理的福利: (888) 238-6232.

