
留下你的印记! Marist Launches Brick Initiative to Support New Track and Turf Field Project

图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

May 29, 2024 — Ready to turn your memories into milestones? 加入bet亚洲365欢迎投注的新砖计划吧, 对校友来说是独一无二的机会, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, and community members to leave a legacy on campus while supporting the Track and Turf Field project.

The campaign aims to raise funds for the development of a 最先进的田径和草皮场地, enhancing the college's athletic infrastructure and providing a top-tier training environment for student-athletes.

Participants can purchase personalized bricks that will be used to create a walking path at the new track facility. All funds will directly contribute to the construction and maintenance of the enhanced athletic space. 


  • 个性化小砖: $500
  • 大型个性化广场摊铺机: $1,000

Each brick and paver will be engraved with an individualized message, 让捐赠者纪念他们在bet亚洲365欢迎投注的时光, 向所爱的人或导师致敬, 以及对学院未来的支持. Buy your brick and view inscription guidelines at this link.

Vice President for College Advancement Chris DelGiorno expressed enthusiasm for the project, 声明, "This first-of-its-kind initiative at Marist is a wonderful way for alumni, 父母, and friends to demonstrate their support for our student-athletes and the wider campus community. Donor support will play an invaluable role in bringing this exciting project to fruition and personalized bricks will serve as a powerful symbol of Marist’s community spirit for generations to come.”

未来北端体育设施的效果图. Gale Engineering渲染.

The Track and Turf Field project promises to benefit many of Marist’s 23 Division I athletics teams – men’s and women’s track and field, 越野, 长曲棍球, 和足球, all of which will use the facility for practice and/or competition. It will also serve as a community-wide recreation and wellness resource for 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 俱乐部体育, 还有很多内部团队.

另外, bet亚洲365欢迎投注的田径和越野项目, 成立于60多年前, 最终会有一个家吗. The teams have successfully competed in Division I athletics for decades, despite not previously having an on-campus facility for training or competitions.

根据Pete Colaizzo的说法, who has served as head coach of the track and field and cross-country teams since 1991, donor participation is crucial in helping the College support student-athletes. He hopes that the brick campaign can help grow enthusiasm among alumni from the program.

"Donations to the brick campaign allow our alumni to be literal stakeholders in the project,科莱佐说. "Their donations will enable current and future Red Foxes to benefit from the new track, allowing our program to reach new heights in the coming years. 我们感谢他们的忠诚和支持, and we look forward to having them all back for a victory lap on the new track as soon as we can!"

The Track and Turf Field fundraising effort kicked off in 2023 with a lead commitment of $1 million from Marist Trustee Tim Tenney, which was established as a dollar-for-dollar matching challenge to help drive momentum for the campaign and encourage others to donate. 

In addition to the generous $1 million challenge from Tenney, 学院收到了421美元,来自267个捐助者的额外捐赠和认捐483美元. 

给75届的校友Jay Doyle, the decision to contribute to the Track and Turf Field project was a personal one. 作为前田径明星和学生运动员, he remembers a time when he and his teammates would lace up before hitting the roads or trails to train. He believes that the new facility promises to enhance the overall athletic outcomes for current and future Marist 学生, providing them with a better experience than he could have ever imagined.

“I encourage others to contribute in any way they can because this is a win-win that benefits not only Marist athletics but also the entire community,道尔说。. “Gifts to this project help ensure that current and future track and field athletes have an enhanced, 有意义的, 和在学院难忘的经历.”

25岁的Kiana Pathirana参加三级跳远比赛.
25岁的Kiana Pathirana参加三级跳远比赛. 图片来源:Marist bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

Marist的目标是筹集至少3美元.5 million to complete the Track and Turf Field facility in time for the spring 2025 athletic season.

“We hope everyone will join us in paving the way for the future of Marist athletics,” said Associate Vice President of Development Mike Byerley. "We are thrilled to offer this opportunity for our supporters to leave a lasting mark of their generosity on campus. Each brick and paver purchased brings us closer to realizing our vision for a premier track facility that will benefit our student-athletes and the entire Marist community."

点击此链接 to participate in the brick campaign and purchase a personalized brick or paver or contact the Office of Advancement at maristfund@tamascandle.net 了解更多信息. 
