
Marist & Son Jung Wan: Marist Returns to New York Fashion Week

Marist College





Marist Poll公布时尚调查结果,在汉默斯坦舞厅举办“时尚大战”活动


New York City (Sept. 16, 2015)——上周六晚,随着学院两年内第三次重返纽约时装周,玛丽斯特时装项目的日益国际化展示了出来, hosting "Marist & Son Jung Wan," a reprise showing of Korean designer Son Jung Wan's 2016年春季系列在纽约时装周的新场地之一,莫伊尼汉车站的天窗. Image of Marist & Son Jung Wan

Dozens of Marist fashion students got first-hand NYFW experience, supporting the production backstage and in the front of the house, working with the designer's public relations team, and covering the event as credentialed media.

Sharon Kwak, a senior fashion major from Summit, N.J., 甚至在秀场前的后台,用设计师的母语韩语对孙正完进行了面对面的采访. “能够直接和她谈论她对时尚的影响,以及她对行业发展方向的看法,真是太棒了," Sharon said. “我们谈到了不断推动自己取得成功的必要性,以及对自己所做的事情真正充满激情的必要性."

当晚早些时候,客人们有幸观看了VLC公司的首个系列., 这是一家新的时装公司,由一位玛丽斯特学院的校友和一名时尚专业的学生在附近的汉默斯坦舞厅举行的招待会上共同创立.

招待会上还公布了最新的时尚趋势和态度调查结果,并进行了现场直播, interactive "Fashion Wars" from the Marist Poll.

Image of Ireland Baldwin leading models down the runway

爱尔兰·鲍德温在bet亚洲365欢迎投注秀结束时带领模特们走下t台 & Son Jung Wan reprise show.


"The fashion industry today is a truly global industry, 所以我们的学生不仅要带着对周围世界的看法," Marist President Dennis Murray 孙正完重唱演出开始前在后台接受采访时说. “让他们看到这种类型的国际表演真的是一种非常独特的体验."

进一步定义玛丽斯特时装走向国际化的趋势是玛丽斯特时装学生出国留学项目的增长, including Mod'Spe Paris, the London College of Fashion, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and one at the College's Florence, Italy branch campus.

Following the reprise show, President Murray and Fashion Program Director Radley Cramer 向孙贞云颁授学院首个“银针创新大奖”,以表扬她的创意及成功创立全球时尚品牌. At other recent NYFW reprise shows, Marist将银针图标奖单独颁发给设计师 Betsey Johnson and Nanette Lepore.


At the Hammerstein Ballroom reception, 客人们被邀请观看VLC首次公开展示的首个系列, Inc. Chloe Li '16 and Lucas Song '14他们都是土生土长的中国重庆人,他们的设计中融合了中西方的影响. Together, Chloe, a fashion major with a concentration in fashion design, and Lucas, who concentrated in fashion merchandising with a business minor, explained that their Marist education and, through it, their exposure to NYFW, 决定在纽约市建立他们的业务是一个自然的选择.

"Marist taught us everything about art and fashion, and provided us with many opportunities," Chloe said.

"Thanks to Marist, the reprise shows, and our experience at the Silver Needle Fashion Shows, we know how fashion works, especially in New York City," Lucas said. “最重要的是,我们真的很喜欢纽约的活力和创造力.他解释说,VLC计划在美国和欧洲市场推广其设计.S. and China.

The debut collection of VLC, Inc. 是在学院在纽约汉默斯坦舞厅举办的特别招待会上颁发的. 右:马理斯特大学16届时装学生Chloe Li和14届时装校友Lucas Song, VLC的联合创始人.


The reception also saw a presentation from the Marist Poll, 该公司利用其行业领先的调查专业知识,就公众对时尚的态度及其对个人身份的重要性进行了调查. 观众通过现场互动的“时尚大战”参与投票,在这场比赛中,竞争的设计和风格在巨大的视频屏幕上展示,这样客人就可以用他们的智能手机投票选出他们最喜欢的.

Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, and Barbara Carvalho, director of the Marist Poll, 在汉默斯坦舞厅举行的招待会上公布了与时尚相关的调查结果.


玛丽斯特时尚课程通过定期参加纽约时装周,为学生在全球时尚行业的成功和充实的职业生涯做好准备, the College's own Silver Needle Fashion Show, 通过Marist in Manhattan项目在国际行业领先组织实习, 还有以文科为基础的充满活力的课程,以及在各自领域专家教师的指导下开设的课程.

Along the way, 他们利用出国留学的机会,参与创业活动, 比如学生经营的时尚零售商店,以及基于玛丽斯特学院档案标志的时尚和配饰系列的开发, seals, and images.


Murray校长和LDJ Productions的董事兼首席执行官Laurie DeJong与设计师Son Jung Wan


玛丽斯特时尚学院的学生会继续创办自己的公司,并为知名的行业领导者工作, including Ann Taylor, Haddad Brands, LVMH, and Ralph Lauren. One distinguished alumna, Laurie DeJong '87, is a Marist trustee as well as the CEO of LDJ Productions, 这家总部位于纽约的活动管理公司为全球知名活动提供制作管理服务, including New York Fashion Week.

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