


Scholars and teachers from a variety of disciplines and representing the nation's top colleges and universities will take up residence on campus to delve into the topic for the month of June.

波基普西(5月12日, 2014) –Is property a God-given natural right for human self-preservation, 一种控制他人的手段, 一种剥削和积累的方式, or is it an essential mediator between life’s individual and social dimensions?

这些复杂的问题, which arise in many academic disciplines, often without focused discussion or interrogation. But they will be at the center of “The 财产的含义,” a four-week summer institute to be held at Marist next month thanks to funding from a competitive grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities through a competitive grant process.

Image of National Endowment for the Humanities logo

"The meaning of property is different for each profession and academic discipline, 随着历史的变化, 说 Dr. Ann Davis, Marist Associate Professor of Economics, who secured the NEH grant and is coordinating the institute. “给n the centrality of property for the economy and for governance, it's important to understand these variations in a broader perspective.” While property is a part of everyday life for citizens in advanced countries, it is also a concept with a deep 历史 and connection to every known civilization. Better understanding of the concept of property is important for the efficiency of the economy, 分配公平, 以及自然资源的可持续性. Property is also relevant to scholarship and the arts, 也 as innovation.

"We look forward to welcoming to the Marist campus an accomplished group of scholars and teachers from around the country,” 副校长兼教务主任. 托马斯Wermuth, an expert on Hudson River Valley 历史, who will participate in the institute. "Participants will form a dynamic community of thinkers discussing and debating all aspects of property and its meaning across disciplines."

The institute will bring to Marist 25 faculty members selected from a pool of national candidates, 谁教经济学, 英语, 政治科学, 生物伦理学, 哲学, 地理位置, 社会学, 历史, 还有法律, and represent top colleges and universities, 包括耶鲁大学, 芝加哥大学, 以及加州大学, 伯克利分校, small group discussions with a group of visiting scholars, who are leaders in their respective fields, 包括:

  • Mary Poovey, literary scholar at New York University
  • Alan Ryan, Professor of Political 科学 at Princeton University
  • 约翰R. Searle, Professor of Philosophy from University of California at Berkeley
  • Hendrik Hartog, Professor of 历史 at Princeton University
  • Stuart Banner, Professor of Law at the University of California at Los Angeles
  • Kenneth Pomeranz, Professor of 历史 at University of Chicago
  • 罗伯特J. Goldstein, Professor of Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point

Also participating from Marist are: Academic Vice President and Hudson River Valley historian 托马斯Wermuth; Director of the 哈德逊河谷研究所 Col. 詹姆斯•约翰逊, former military historian at West Point; and Senior Academic Technology Officer Josh Baron, who will explore with participants the implications of intellectual property for online teaching and scholarly collaboration.

此外,博士. Peter Groffman of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, a Marist partner in nearby Millbrook, N.Y., will explore the implications of suburban “back yards” for global climate trends.

Summer institute participants will reside at the Marist campus and form a scholarly community for the month of June, 与访问学者互动. They will also enjoy scenic vistas of the Marist campus, and visits to New York City and elsewhere in the Hudson Valley region. The participants will work together to improve their individual scholarship and teaching, and explore the potential for ongoing collaboration, 也.


The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1965 to support the humanities. NEH grants are awarded on a national competitive basis, 由独立学者评判, to support the advancement of the study of 历史, 文化, and literature 也 as social sciences in American colleges and universities.

欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. 安E. Davis, bet亚洲365欢迎投注 or see the website http://www.bet亚洲365欢迎投注.edu/management/neh.
