
New York State's First Saxbys Student-Run Cafe Coming to Marist

Anthony Proia, Director of Media Relations
Saxbys founder and CEO Nick Bayer poses with Marist mascot Frankie the Fox on campus this week. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

February 29, 2024 — Philadelphia-based B公司 Saxbys is set to open its first cafe in New York state this fall at bet亚洲365欢迎投注 leveraging the Saxbys 从实践经验中学习 Platform (The Saxbys E.L.P.), a network of cafes designed for and run by students. Saxbys will be located in Marist’s newly reimagined 戴森中心, a state-of-the-art facility opening fall 2024 that will be a hub for student learning, 协作, 以及校园活动.

成立于2015年的萨克斯比斯E.L.P. supports students by providing them with in-depth entrepreneurial opportunities to enrich traditional classroom learning. Through the Student Cafe Executive Officer (SCEO) role, The Saxbys E.L.P. has created student leaders who consistently outpace national averages for on-time graduation and full-time job placement – many of whom fast-track to leadership roles after graduation. The cafe is being opened in partnership with bet亚洲365欢迎投注's dining service provider, 美食餐厅, which has opened several cafes with Saxbys since 2021. This latest partnership connects seamlessly to the College’s bet亚洲365欢迎投注100 战略计划, which emphasizes student-centered teaching and learning opportunities and making Marist a leader in experiential learning.

“作为一家教育公司, Saxbys is deeply committed to supporting and empowering the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs,尼克·拜尔说, 萨克斯比斯的创始人兼首席执行官.  "And since bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is frequently recognized as one of the top colleges for 'Colleges That Create Futures,' this is an incredible partnership that will benefit generations of Marist students,拜耳说。.

圣母学院院长 管理学院, Dr. 将羊肉, echoed a similar sentiment: “Having a nationally-recognized company like Saxbys on campus offering a student-run business is the perfect example of Marist’s distinctive educational approach in action. We are constantly innovating new ways to combine a liberal arts foundation with professional training, and this new partnership will give our students practical, hands-on experience running a business while developing critical competencies in leadership and managing people.”


Image of Marist mascot Frankie the Fox holding a Saxbys coffee cup in front of the campus green and rotunda.
Marist mascot Frankie holds a Saxbys coffee cup in front of the campus green and rotunda. Photo by Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

The partnership was proposed by New Jersey-based 美食餐厅, Marist’s on-campus dining service provider, and is part of the multiple engaged learning programs that Gourmet continues to initiate on campus.

“美食餐厅 is a huge advocate of engaged learning and serving the community,Anthony Frungillo说, Executive Vice President of 美食餐厅. “It is our goal to bring together great partners that can mutually benefit each other. We have had very successful partnerships with Saxbys and look forward to another 在圣母. We are excited that we were able to help expedite Saxbys’ program into New York state!”

在接下来的几个月, Saxbys and bet亚洲365欢迎投注 will announce the inaugural SCEO, a student leader who will undoubtedly leave an impact on the campus community. A ribbon-cutting for the opening of the new cafe will be held shortly after the start of the fall semester. 了解更多bet亚洲365欢迎投注萨克斯比斯的信息, including their one-of-a-kind micro-credential badges and paid on-campus business leadership opportunities, 访问 hellosaxbys.com.

Interested in Leading the Way at Saxbys? This is your chance to apply to be the inaugural 萨克斯比学生首席执行官 or 团队成员 在圣母. Read about these unique opportunities 在这里 体验更多 在这里. 如有疑问,请联系 希瑟Hallenbeck, Director of 从实践经验中学习 for the 管理学院, at 希瑟.hallenbeck@tamascandle.net. These applications are open to all academic schools. 申请截止日期为3月8日!
