
Marist College Announces Appointment Of Dr. Will Lamb To Lead School Of Management

Anthony Proia, Director of Media Relations, anthony.proia@tamascandle.net

image of Dr. Lamb, new dean for School of Management POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. -经过全国范围的搜索,圣母学院任命了. 兰姆将于7月1日出任管理学院院长一职吗. Dr. Lamb brings a wide variety of experience to Marist, 最近担任EAB Global的研究生和成人学习者招聘主任, 他在哪里帮助学院和大学提高学术课程的实力,增加招生人数. 此前,他曾担任爱奥纳学院LaPenta商学院院长, the Murata Dean of the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College, and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs at Ohio University.

“I am so pleased to welcome Dr. 兰姆博士将领导我们的管理学院。. Thomas Wermuth, Vice President for Academic Affairs. “Dr. 兰姆作为一名教育者和管理者有着丰富的经验,他在学术界享有极高的声誉.”

“Dr. 兰姆在一个激动人心和关键的时刻来到bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学和管理学院. Kevin Weinman, Marist College President. “With growing undergraduate enrollment in the school, several renowned graduate programs, 以及SOM住宅的转型改造和扩建, the Dyson Center, now underway, the School is poised for an incredible future. I was immensely impressed with Will’s vision, strategic thinking, and excellence as an operational leader, 我有信心威尔能带领学院达到新的高度.”

“我在EAB的经历为我了解高等教育市场提供了一个独特的机会, 并与几乎所有类型的学校和全国所有地区的人们一起工作,” said Dr. Lamb. “圣母学院的这个职位提供了一个以学生为中心的工作机会, 在学院发展的一个时刻,文科环境为学院的未来发展和方向提供了重要的机会.”

Dr. 兰姆还拥有丰富的经验,曾在多家知名商学院担任教员和院长.  During his leadership of Iona’s LaPenta School of Business, 他监督了学院对商科课程的修订,并对MBA课程进行了重大改进, MS in Public Accounting, and MS in Finance programs. He also oversaw the development of Iona’s online MBA program.

At Babson, 他负责监督和管理学院的四个MBA项目, M.S. in Accounting, and M.S. 管理课程每年为一千多名研究生提供服务. 在那里,他领导了两个新项目的开发:M.S. in Finance and the M.S. in Business Analytics. 

While at Ohio, Dr. Lamb moved through the ranks from Assistant Professor, to director of the MBA program, Chair of Management Systems, and Associate Dean for Graduate programs. Previous to Ohio University, 他曾担任杰克逊米尔萨普斯学院的管理学助理教授, Mississippi.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注管理学院以其研究生和本科课程而闻名,” said Dr. Lamb. “这个巨大的基础已经到位,戴森中心即将进行扩建和改造, 我们的学生将拥有世界一流的资源,让他们在未来的努力中成长和成功,” he said.

image of Investment Center rendering in the new dyson center

Throughout his career, Dr. Lamb has served on a number of university-wide committees, including appointments to the College Council, Committee on Academic Affairs, Budget Committee, and Facilities Master Planning Group, among others. 他还曾担任多个高级商学院协会(AACSB)认证同行评审小组的成员.

Dr. 兰姆发表了多篇同行评议的文章,其中包括《 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, the 国际组织分析杂志,管理学院最佳论文论文集, and Business & Society, among many others.

He has a Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and a B.A. and M.Ed. from the University of Virginia.

Dr. Lamb’s appointment follows the leadership of two interim deans. “The SOM has been led capably for the last two years by Dr. James Snyder and Dr. 罗杰·诺顿(Roger Norton)单独出面,暂时领导学校. Wermuth. “我感谢他们的辛勤工作和对bet亚洲365欢迎投注的奉献,并期待管理学院未来的激动人心的时刻.”

About Marist’s School of Management

The Marist School of Management, includes undergraduate programs in a wide area of study, including Business Administration, Accounting, and Finance and Economics, 使其成为教育学生发展技能以在当今全球商业社会中取得成功的领导者. 学生们经常在课堂上做演讲,并在校园的非正式活动中建立联系. 管理学院还提供加速双学位会计课程, 允许学生在四年零四个月的时间内完成专业会计的理学学士和理学硕士学位.

管理学院还提供三个研究生学位:a fully AACSB-accredited Master of Business Administration program获得公共管理硕士和专业会计理学硕士学位. 1998年,bet亚洲365欢迎投注开设了纽约州首个获得aacsb认证的100%在线MBA课程, one of the first such programs in the nation. Marist’s online MBA program has also been featured in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Online Education Program” rankings.

A Transformed Dyson Center to House the School of Management

管理学院将会是这个巨大变革的前沿和中心 Dyson Center, 它将耗资数百万美元进行大规模扩建,为圣母学院的学生提供世界一流的新聚会和学习空间. The College’s student Investment Center 这是bet亚洲365欢迎投注商学院学生学习的重要组成部分吗, 将会在新戴森中心的中庭展出. The Center will feature a fully functional trading floor, similar to those in investment banks around the world.

The state-of-the-art facility will house the Greystone Equity Fund这是一家由学生管理的基金,教师和学生在该基金中发现潜在的股票并进行投资. It will also feature enhanced space for the Bureau of Economic Research负责撰写哈德逊河谷经济发展的报告, including household income, income tax analysis, commutation patterns of workers, migration, and overall employment and wages. 该局还进行经济影响研究,以及预测和政策分析.


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