




文理学院(SLA)的学生享受小班教学, 是什么导致了我们教师的积极指导, who direct students to opportunities they might never anticipate before coming here. 学生们在罗斯福总统博物馆进行原创研究 & 图书馆; present their work at national and international conferences; share their expertise with community partners here in Dutchess County; and complete internships in locations as close as Manhattan or Albany, 或通过英国和其他地方的项目进行国际交流. 通过他们无尽的好奇心, 努力工作, 战略规划, students--with the help of faculty--prepare themselves to truly make a difference in the world beyond Marist.


支持率图表. 93%的学生对自己的学习经历感到满意. 94%的学生对Marist的学术服务感到满意. 95%的学生对学校的学生服务感到满意. 91%的人会向未来的学生推荐Marist.



在工作中与他人和教职员工密切合作, English majors at Marist actively take part in wider conversations surrounding poetry, 小说, 和奖学金. The boundary between the English classroom and the world beyond is a highly permeable one. 学生们阅读内战文学作品和档案材料, 然后前往葛底斯堡亲自参观战争遗址和文物. Well-supported scholarly arguments and carefully crafted poetry are shared not just with classmates, but with attendees at gatherings such as the annual conference of 西格玛τ δ, 全国英语荣誉协会. 学生们也以数字形式分享他们的创新. 书万岁 是一本由Dr. 安吉拉·拉夫伦的高级顶点课程.


学生俱乐部 & 领导机会

The rich variety of clubs provide the SLA with a strong sense of community and many opportunities for active student leadership. 俱乐部和附属组织包括:

  • 文艺会, 哪个组织协调各种聚会, 包括一年一度的“哈利波特之夜”和一年一度的诗歌盛会.
  • bet亚洲365欢迎投注戏剧艺术俱乐部, a student-run organization that works in tandem with the Marist Theatre Program. 
  • Phi Alpha Theta/历史俱乐部该校是美国国家历史荣誉协会的分会. This organization is a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, 良好的教学, 历史学家之间的学术和思想的出版和交流. 
  • 西格玛τ δ该校是全国英语荣誉协会的分会. In addition to facilitating participation in 西格玛τ δ's annual conference, the chapter hosts informal events such as the "Literary Desserts" contest held every semester.



  • : 圆 is Marist's student-run newspaper in which members have the opportunity to write and edit articles about campus news and events. 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》每周出版一期,每学期印刷七次. 
  • 发电机: 《bet亚洲365欢迎投注》是bet亚洲365欢迎投注的艺术和娱乐杂志. The magazine is published once a semester and includes articles about everything from fashion to video games to music.
  • 镶嵌: The Mosaic is a literary magazine published each semester by the Literary Arts Society. 所有的学生, 不仅仅是英语专业或辅修专业, ,鼓励他们提交创意作品或艺术作品到马赛克.
  • 福克斯论坛: Fox 为um is a student journal of academic papers published once a semester by the Literary Arts Society.



实习 provide a crucial way for SLA students to explore their professional futures. Over half of SLA students complete an internship during their undergraduate years, and it is not uncommon for students in this group to complete two or more at different sites. Students may choose to take advantage of the College's proximity to New York City: venues for recent SLA internships in Manhattan include Pegasus Press and Us Magazine. 另一个选择是 奥尔巴尼暑期实习计划, which enables students to gain an insider’s perspective on political communications, 政治, 以及纽约州首府的公共政策. Other students find placements in the Hudson River Valley region or complete an on-campus internship in Archives & 卡纳维诺图书馆的特别收藏, 在写作中心, 或者在哈德逊河谷研究所. Students also regularly complete internships as part of their international study in the United Kingdom, 澳大利亚, 还有其他网站.

图片:在bet亚洲365欢迎投注实习. 83% of students participated in one or more internships while at Marist and many credit them as a primary reason they were hired.



International study has become a defining aspect of the academic culture in the SLA. Cross-cultural inquiry and global awareness are not only central to the disciplinary focus of the Department of World Languages and Cultures and the Global Studies minor, 还有其他专业. 政治科学系, 例如, offers students opportunities to intern with the Hansard Society Scholars Programme in London and to participate in the Student World Affairs Conference held in the Hudson River Valley. Both the 历史 and English Departments offer short-term study abroad programs (see below).

SLA students' high level of participation in semester-long or short-term abroad programs (approximately 50 percent of 2016 SLA graduates) changes the conversation both within and beyond the classroom. Students have enjoyed substantial success in their ability to earn Fulbright Fellowships and other prestigious grants to facilitate their international study.

图片:探索不同的文化. 这是在复杂多样的社会中有效领导的必要条件. 全美排名第七.S. 长期出国留学.



  • 莎士比亚在伦敦:研究斯特拉特福德吟游诗人 One of the most popular and longstanding 文理学院 spring attachment programs, this course involves a two-week trip to London and Stratford to explore Shakespeare's plays the best possible way--in performance at the Globe Theatre and other venues.
  • 多米尼加共和国:西班牙语 & 技术: Associate Professor of Spanish Kevin Gaugler and Associate Professor of 信息rmation Systems Carolyn Matheus are the co-directors of this spring attachment program, which allows students to develop their proficiency in Spanish or in 信息技术/Systems while providing crucial support to schools in the Dominican Republic.
  • 都柏林人:爱尔兰小说写作: This spring break program is led by Associate Professor of English Tommy Zurhellen. 专注于创意写作或文学, students will explore the different ways in which writers have engaged with the artistic and cultural treasures of the city of Dublin.
  • 犹太教:历史、文学和文化; Led by Associate Professor of English Joshua Kotzin and Professor Steve Sansola, this spring attachment program provides students with the opportunity to explore Jewish culture through travels in Hungary, 德国, 奥地利, 和斯洛伐克.