Image of person at sea shore

环境科学 and 政策 Department


环境科学 and 政策 课程

该计划提供了坚实的基础,同时也有很大的灵活性. 两个更大的B.S. 集中-科学和政策-允许不同的重点,而一个较小的B.A. 学位可以很容易地与bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学的青少年教育联合硕士课程配对. 在每个浓度内, 学生可以从广泛的课程中选择,以满足他们的兴趣, 目标, 和需求. Three environmental minors are also available. 环境科学 & 政策与一些自然科学和社会科学重叠. 要了解生物学,环境因素是必不可少的, 行为, and health of humans and other animals. 我们的课程对对动物学感兴趣的学生是有益的, 植物学, 社会科学, 文科, 业务, 教学, 以及国际事务. Students with interests in these and other fields can apply their concern and interest in the environment in either the 科学 or 政策 concentrations, or in the Environmental Earth 科学 B.A. 学位. 事实上, 这个项目非常适合双专业和辅修, 让学生加强本科教育和职业准备. 我们的实习和研究要求也加强了这种准备.


检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

自然, 作文, and organization of parties and pressure groups; the role played by these two forces in the political process; history and programs of parties and pressure groups will be 分析d. 此外,当代投票行为的性质进行了审查.

This course focuses on Earth's geologic resources and how they influence man's use of the physical world. Topics include plate tectonics; earthquakes; rock and mineral formation; weathering and erosion; groundwater and surface water; Course Descriptions 213 stratigraphy and energy resources; glaciation and geologic history. Students make observations and 测量s and translate them into meaningful data from which inferences can be drawn. Through hands-on experience, students gain skills of map reading, identification of minerals and rocks, interpretation of geologic and topographic maps.

Laboratory to accompany ENSC 210.

本课程将介绍地理信息系统. 地理信息系统是创建的一系列工具, 编辑, 维护, 分析地图和数据,了解特定地理区域的特征. The course will detail the terminology, concepts, and applications that are commonly used with GIS. 实验室将提供输入和编辑功能的实践培训, ad hoc query and analysis functions, and facilities management functions.

Through a heavily field-based, 实践的方法, this course teaches the physical and chemical components and processes of the Earth’s hydrologic cycle and climate systems, in context of biologic and human systems. 主题包括地上和地下淡水系统, weather and climate mechanisms and phenomena, 能量通量与陆地表面的结构和动力学, 临界区域, 海洋, 和大气, 包括它们对区域和全球气候的综合影响, 以及复杂社会话题背景下的科学传播, such natural resource extraction and climate change. 学生将通过定量和空间分析综合他们的理解, and will advance their abilities in science communication through multiple presentations and written forms of assessment. Through multiple course projects, students will quantitively observe, 分析, 解决, and communicate about complex scientific questions, requiring creative 合成 of new and existing information of varying sources– enhancing student’s skills in quantitative observation, 信息素养, critical inquiry using scientific thinking, and independent and team-based work on multi-week, multi-deliverable projects.

[Dual listed as BIOL 360]: This course involves the study of the interrelationships among organisms and with their environments. 主题包括有机体对物理和化学条件的反应, population growth and regulation, intra- and interspecific competition, 食草性, 捕食, 寄生, 互利共生, 群落结构, 生态系统生产力, 养分循环, 和分解.

The purpose of this course is to examine the NEPA- and NYS SEQRA-based approaches to environmental impact assessment. Students will learn how to design a statistically acceptable monitoring program; how to collect samples; how to prepare and preserve samples for analyses; and how to interpret environmental data in the assessment of impacts.

学生必须完成ENSC440和ENSC441 or ENSC 398 and ENSC399 to satisfy 学位 requirements.

ENSC 440-441 Research I and II (6 cr编辑s)

  • Students conduct research in 环境科学 or 政策 under the direction of a faculty member. 学生可以与教师单独安排计划和进行研究. At the end of her/his work, 由学生提交书面报告和公开研讨会, 其中可能包括在科学会议上的演讲. 

ENSC 398-399 Internship (6 cr编辑s)

  • The internship is designed to be a pre-professional work-related experience at an off-campus location. Generally taken in the junior or senior year, placements may be obtained within scientific, 政府, 或是倡导组织,或是私人咨询公司和环境实验室. The student intern will be supervised by an on-site professional and by the 环境科学 & 政策 internship coordinator. 实习 must be approved by the Program Director and the Office of 职业服务 prior to their commencement.

This is the capping course in 环境科学 & 政策. The course examines the moral implications of human attitudes regarding other species and the environment. This course explores the historical roots and current world views that have generated the present state of widespread environmental degradation. 生态学、经济学、社会学和伦理学的相互关系也将被研究.


检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

自然, 作文, and organization of parties and pressure groups; the role played by these two forces in the political process; history and programs of parties and pressure groups will be 分析d. 此外,当代投票行为的性质进行了审查.

本课程将介绍地理信息系统. 地理信息系统是创建的一系列工具, 编辑, 维护, 分析地图和数据,了解特定地理区域的特征. The course will detail the terminology, concepts, and applications that are commonly used with GIS. 实验室将提供输入和编辑功能的实践培训, ad hoc query and analysis functions, and facilities management functions.

This discussion-based course serves as a forum for students from the 科学 and 政策 concentrations to discuss their perspectives with each other and with faculty. 教师将选择一个主题来指导阅读和讨论. 学生和他们选择的材料将是信息的主要来源. Learning will occur largely through questioning, 推理, 合成, 和讨论, rather than simply by absorbing information.

[Dual listed as BIOL 360] This course involves the study of the interrelationships among organisms and with their environments. 主题包括有机体对物理和化学条件的反应, population growth and regulation, intra- and interspecific competition, 食草性, 捕食, 寄生, 互利共生, 群落结构, 生态系统生产力, 养分循环, 和分解.

[Dual listed as ECON 305] A policy-oriented examination of the relationship between the economy and the natural environment. Topics include the environmental consequences of economic growth and development; the labor market impacts of environmental legislation; and the economic theories of "public goods" and "social costs."

The purpose of this course is to examine the NEPA- and NYS SEQRA-based approaches to environmental impact assessment. Students will learn how to design a statistically acceptable monitoring program; how to collect samples; how to prepare and preserve samples for analyses; and how to interpret environmental data in the assessment of impacts.

本课程将涵盖宪法原则, 值, and socioeconomic impacts affecting planning; basic planning, 土地使用, 以及环境影响报告等开发实践, 主计划, citizen participation; and issues facing environmentally sound planning today.

An overview of current environmental law issues, 包括影响审查, 空气及水质, solid and hazardous waste, 有毒物质. 强调联邦和州的法律法规要求,以及判例法解释.

学生必须完成ENSC440和ENSC441 or ENSC 398 and ENSC399 to satisfy 学位 requirements.

ENSC 440-441 Research I and II (6 cr编辑s)

  • Students conduct research in 环境科学 or 政策 under the direction of a faculty member. 学生可以与教师单独安排计划和进行研究. At the end of her/his work, 由学生提交书面报告和公开研讨会, 其中可能包括在科学会议上的演讲.

ENSC 398-399 Internship (6 cr编辑s)

  • The internship is designed to be a pre-professional work-related experience at an off-campus location. Generally taken in the junior or senior year, placements may be obtained within scientific, 政府, 或是倡导组织,或是私人咨询公司和环境实验室. The student intern will be supervised by an on-site professional and by the 环境科学 & 政策 internship coordinator. 实习 must be approved by the Program Director and Marist Center for 职业服务 prior to their commencement.

This is the capping course in 环境科学 & 政策. The course examines the moral implications of human attitudes regarding other species and the environment. This course explores the historical roots and current world views that have generated the present state of widespread environmental degradation. 生态学、经济学、社会学和伦理学的相互关系也将被研究.

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Earth 科学

检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

自然, 作文, and organization of parties and pressure groups; the role played by these two forces in the political process; history and programs of parties and pressure groups will be 分析d. 此外,当代投票行为的性质进行了审查.

This course focuses on Earth's geologic resources and how they influence man's use of the physical world. Topics include plate tectonics; earthquakes; rock and mineral formation; weathering and erosion; groundwater and surface water; stratigraphy and energy resources; glaciation and geologic history. Students make observations and 测量s and translate them into meaningful data from which inferences can be drawn. Through hands-on experience, students gain skills of map reading, identification of minerals and rocks, interpretation of geologic and topographic maps.

Laboratory to accompany ENSC 210.

本课程将介绍地理信息系统. 地理信息系统是创建的一系列工具, 编辑, 维护, 分析地图和数据,了解特定地理区域的特征. The course will detail the terminology, concepts, and applications that are commonly used with GIS. 实验室将提供输入和编辑功能的实践培训, ad hoc query and analysis functions, and facilities management functions.

Through a heavily field-based, 实践的方法, this course teaches the physical and chemical components and processes of the Earth’s hydrologic cycle and climate systems, in context of biologic and human systems. Students will advance their abilities in science communication through multiple presentations and other written forms of environmental deliverables, 包括社交媒体.

[Dual taught as ENSC 360] This course involves the study of the interrelationships among organisms and the environment. 主题包括生物,物理和化学条件的相互作用. Emphasis is on systems-scale thinking, 以及基于数字的方法来理解这些系统, applied through local fieldwork and global theories.

Students are required to complete ENSC440 or ENSC 398 to satisfy 学位 requirements.

ENSC 440 Research I (3 cr编辑s)

  • Students conduct research in 环境科学 or 政策 under the direction of a faculty member. 学生可以与教师单独安排计划和进行研究. At the end of her/his work, deliverables are presented by the student, 其中可能包括在科学会议上的演讲 or an externally submitted proposal or manuscript.

ENSC 398 Internship (3 cr编辑s)

  • The internship is designed to be a pre-professional work-related experience at an off-campus location. Generally taken in the junior or senior year, placements may be obtained within scientific, 政府, 或是倡导组织,或是私人咨询公司和环境实验室. The student intern will be supervised by an on-site professional and by the 环境科学 & 政策 internship coordinator. 实习 must be approved by the Program Director and Marist Center for 职业服务 prior to their commencement.

This is the capping course in 环境科学 & 政策. The course examines the moral implications of human attitudes regarding other species and the environment. This course explores the historical roots and current world views that have generated the present state of widespread environmental degradation. 生态学、经济学、社会学和伦理学的相互关系也将被研究.

环境科学 Minor

本课程旨在向理科生介绍生物学的主要概括. Topics include the scientific method, the chemical and cellular basis of life, 能量转换, DNA structure and replication, 蛋白质合成, 细胞分裂. 实验室将强调动手练习,包括数据分析等主题, 解剖, taxonomy and classification, 细胞分裂.

旨在向科学专业学生介绍生物学的基本概念. Topics include transmission genetics, 进化理论, and selected ecological principles along with an examination of science as a process and the distinction between science and religion. 该实验室将强调实验设计、遗传学、进化和动物多样性.

化学的基本介绍,强调化学语言, 它的基本概念, and development of problem-solving skills. This course provides an appropriate background for students with insufficient preparation in high school chemistry who may wish to take General Chemistry I-II.

一个学分的课程,旨在灌输公认的实验室程序的安全, 技术, 测量, 报告结果.

检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

[Dual listed as BIOL 360] This course involves the study of the interrelationships among organisms and with their environments. 主题包括有机体对物理和化学条件的反应, population growth and regulation, intra- and interspecific competition, 食草性, 捕食, 寄生, 互利共生, 群落结构, 生态系统生产力, 养分循环, 和分解.

  • ENSC 210: Intro to Geology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 212: Into to Geology Lab (1 cr编辑)
  • ENSC 230:地理信息系统入门(3学分)
  • ENSC 309: Environmental Chemistry Lab (1 cr编辑)
  • ENSC 310: Environmental Chemistry (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 313: Environmental Microbiology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 321:哈德逊河谷的自然历史(3学分)
  • ENSC/BIOL 327: Freshwater Ecology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ensc380:环境评估原理(3学分)
  • ENSC 404: Environmental Toxicology (4 cr编辑s)
  • BIOL 211: Plant Biology (4 cr编辑s)
  • BIOL 420: Invertebrate Zoology (4 cr编辑s)

Environmental 政策 Minor

检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

自然, 作文, and organization of parties and pressure groups; the role played by these two forces in the political process; history and programs of parties and pressure groups will be 分析d. 此外,当代投票行为的性质进行了审查.

本课程将介绍地理信息系统. 地理信息系统是创建的一系列工具, 编辑, 维护, 分析地图和数据,了解特定地理区域的特征. The course will detail the terminology, concepts, and applications that are commonly used with GIS. 实验室将提供输入和编辑功能的实践培训, ad hoc query and analysis functions, and facilities management functions.

 [Dual listed as ECON 305] A policy-oriented examination of the relationship between the economy and the natural environment. Topics include the environmental consequences of economic growth and development; the labor market impacts of environmental legislation; and the economic theories of "public goods" and "social costs."

本课程将涵盖宪法原则, 值, and socioeconomic impacts affecting planning; basic planning, 土地使用, 以及环境影响报告等开发实践, 主计划, citizen participation; and issues facing environmentally sound planning today.

An overview of current environmental law issues, 包括影响审查, 空气及水质, solid and hazardous waste, 有毒物质. 强调联邦和州的法律法规要求,以及判例法解释.

  • Choose three elective cr编辑s related to the minor with approval of Chair of 环境科学 & 政策
  • Complete a three-cr编辑 internship with approval of Internship Coordinator of 环境科学 & 政策

Environmental Studies Minor

检查自然系统, 人类活动对这些系统的不利影响, and how society deals with these impacts. Topics may include ecology; biodiversity; forests and deforestation; human population growth and control; food production and world hunger; energy resources; and water and air pollution. In addition to the science of these topics, related politics, economics, and ethics are discussed.

  • ENSC 210: Intro to Geology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 212: Intro to Geology Lab (1 cr编辑)
  • ENSC 313: Environmental Microbiology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 321:哈德逊河谷自然历史(3学分)
  • ENSC/BIOL 327: Freshwater Ecology (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC/CHEM 310: Env Chemistry (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC/BIOL 360:生态学:原理与实践(4学分)
  • ENSC 404: Environmental Toxicology (4 cr编辑s)
  • BIOL 211: Plant Biology (4 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC/POSC 202: Environmental Politics & 政策(3学分)
  • ENSC/ECON 305: Environmental Economics (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC/POSC 420: Environmental Planning (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 425: Environmental Law (3 cr编辑s)
  • ENSC 230:地理信息系统(GIS)入门(3学分)
  • ECON 150: Economics of Social Issues (3 cr编辑s)
  • 经济学340:经济发展:走向全球平等(3学分)
  • POSC/GBST 103: Intro to Global Studies (3 cr编辑s)

获取更多信息,包括其他课程要求, recommended program sequence, 课程先决条件, 请参阅 目录.