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我卷入了一场事故. What do I do?

如果你有安全办公室的文件 & Security, 住房和居住生活, 教师或其他任何人)被卷入事件, expect a Notice of Allegation letter that will include your appointment date/time with a conduct officer. You should also consider reviewing the Code of Conduct and specifically the policy in question and the procedure. If you did violate the Code, you are encouraged to take responsibility for your actions.Sometimes there are mix-ups and students find themselves "in the wrong place at the wrong time.“你将受到公平对待,并有机会解释所发生的事情. If you are in violation and there are sanctions, complete them on time to avoid further consequences.


Marist社区的任何成员都可以提交事故报告. 该报告可以提交给您的RD、RA或Security. 取决于事件的性质, 声明也可以提交给学生行为办公室.  您也可以以电子方式提交报告. 


A notice of allegation is a request by Office of Student Conduct ("OSC") or RD for a student to meet with them regarding their involvement in an incident, on or off-campus. In the letter, the student is informed of the policies they are alleged to have violated. A copy of the incident report(s) is also included so that students can better understand the basis of the charges.


不了解规则并不能成为行为不端的借口. Every student is responsible for knowing the policies and procedures of the College, 所以阅读学生手册对你来说很重要, 学生行为准则, Catalog, and if applicable, 住宿学生手册. If you are unsure about the contents of any of these, please ask for clarification.

我和我的朋友们卷入了同一件事, why are my friends meeting with their RD while I am scheduled to meet with Student Conduct?

Typically students who have never had a disciplinary case will meet with the RD. If you are meeting with Student Conduct it may be because this is the second violation or the violation is of a more serious nature.


如果你不能参加你的行为准则会议, it is very important that you contact the Student Conduct Officer assigned to your case. bet亚洲365欢迎投注将出现在你的信中. 如果你被安排与你的住校主任开会, 你应该用你的RD办公室分机联系他们. 如果你被安排参加学生行为办公室的会议, 你应致电x3514与本处联络,重新安排预约. Typically appointment times are set around class schedules - you should never miss a class for a conference!


根据学生行为准则, the Student Conduct Officer or RD has the right to make a decision on the case should a student(s) miss an appointment without prior notification. Absence cannot be used as a determining factor to decide whether or not you are in violation.




A Conduct Conference is a meeting between a single Student Conduct Officer and the responding student(s). 在这一阶段不允许有证人. 在听证阶段,学生们要出席一个小组讨论. These panel members are drawn from a pool of students and faculty/staff of the College. 报告和回应学生能够, and encouraged, to provide a list of witnesses to give statements and be questioned during a hearing.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) keeps a students' academic records (including grades and conduct) confidential. A student must complete a waiver to share details with anybody besides the student. FERPA也有例外. For alcohol, drug, 以及其他严重违规行为, Marist被允许并将通知家长. 我们鼓励你在收到通知前与家人沟通.

Typically, parents of dependent students under the age of 21 found "In Violation" of the 学生行为准则 and may receive notification. Additionally, parents of dependent students under the age of 21 found in violation of the alcohol or drug policy may be notified.


制裁是根据具体情况决定的. The sanction reflects the needs of the individual student and the impact of the student's behavior on the community.  制裁的范围从书面警告到驱逐. Discretionary Sanctions may also include but are not limited to community service, essay/research paper, 道歉信/感谢信.


除了在学生缺席的情况下决定的情况, students who are sanctioned have signed a binding agreement to complete their sanctions on or before the specified date. If you are having difficulties completing your sanctions consult the RD or Student Conduct Officer who assigned it before the due date. Failure to complete sanctions by the stated deadlines may result in an additional disciplinary case, a hold being placed, suspension, 或者被学校开除. 


In cases of suspension or expulsion, the College's institutional refund policy will apply. Typically, 学生在第一周的课程中可以获得100%的退款, 第二周和第三周退款50%,之后退款0%. 具体日期请参考校历.


Conduct records are confidential and cannot be released without the written consent of the student. Many graduate, law, and medical schools and employers with sensitive information (like the United States government) often ask for a release of the applicant's conduct record. If that is the case, we encourage you to be open and honest about what happened and share any relevant details. Most places are pretty understanding about a relatively minor incident that happened years ago. Serious violations, repeat incidents or lying about it can play a much more significant role.

Files are retained for at least seven years after the date of the incident; some files are retained indefinitely. 行为记录不会出现在成绩单上.


Please be sure you entered the login and password for Judicial Educator in lowercase letters. Should you still have difficulty, the staff at Judicial Educator recommend the following:

  • 你必须关闭浏览器中所有的弹出式拦截器. Directions about shutting off pop-off blockers are found when you first log into The Judicial Educator.
  • 需要使用ie浏览器访问这些模块. If you access the service via another browser, you may be unable to access the test function.


  • 点击工具栏上的“工具”
  • 点击“互联网选项”
  • Click on "Privacy"
  • 点击“网站”,点击编辑
  • 在“网站地址”区域,输入:, and click "Allow"
  • Click on "Security"
  • 将您的设置设置为不超过中等


如仍有问题,请电邮至: info@reslife.net or call: (215) 295-6858. 同时通知指定处分的RD或学生行为主任.


A Student Conduct Record Request (commonly referred to as a dean's certification) occurs when a student submits the proper forms to the Office of Student Conduct so that we my report their disciplinary record at Marist College to interested educational institutions (graduate/professional schools) or government agencies. 


请参阅上诉部分的 学生行为准则