
School of 传播与艺术


5年计划.A. 传播学与管理学.A. in Integrated Marketing Communication

Marist’s dual-degree program is designed for students pursuing a B.A. in Communication with dual concentrations in 广告 and 公共关系 (PR). While the undergraduate curriculum focuses both on the theory and practice of 广告 and 公共关系, M.A. in Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) curriculum provides students a management perspective.

IMC, 在实践中, comprehensively addresses the strategic consistency across the functions of advertising, 品牌管理, 公司信息交流, 市场营销, 公共关系 和销售 for the purpose of developing and maintaining long-term relationships with target audiences before, during and after the delivery of products and services.

The dual-degree program is ideal for those who wish to move into a leadership position in the fields of advertising, 品牌管理, 市场营销, 公共关系, 战略沟通或销售. 


Student Profile: Jacqueline Gruber '18, MA '19

Jacqueline Gruber '18, MA in IMC '19


The courses I am taking as a graduate student differ tremendously from my undergraduate experience. One of the major benefits of the program is having the opportunity to work with students in different fields and experience levels. This challenged me to not only think critically and strategically but explore other pathways within the industry. 除了, these courses provided a greater analysis and explanation behind commination theories and business practices.


120学分,四年本科.A. in Communication curriculum is based on a strong foundation of core liberal arts and communication studies courses.  广告 and PR are both 18-credit concentrations offered within the B.A. 通讯专业.  Both concentrations offer a mix of theoretical and hands-on courses that prepare students for entry-level positions in the field.  

30学时M.A. graduate degree program in IMC provides students with a cross-disciplinary educational experience that mirrors workplace dynamics in the fields of advertising, 品牌管理, 公司信息交流, 市场营销, 公共关系, 战略沟通, 和销售.  Students will learn to strategically approach and develop IMC plans aimed at successfully engaging diverse and global audiences.

在30学分的M.A. 在IMC课程中, students take four graduate courses (12 credits) as an undergraduate during the junior and senior years of study (all graduate courses are on-line). The remaining six graduate courses (18 credits) are taken during the fifth year of study to complete M.A. 符合IMC要求. The four graduate courses students take as an undergraduate will replace four, 3 credit undergraduate course requirements.

It is important to note while undergraduate classes are generally offered on-the-ground, all graduate courses are offered only in an online format, therefore you can be working full-time and taking your remaining 5th year graduate classes at the same time. 

M.A. 在IMC课程中

  • comi500l IMC原理 
  • COMI 505L 公共关系 管理 
  • MBA 525N营销基础 
  • MBA 535N Analytical Tools for Decision Making
  • MBA 605N市场研究 
  • comi600l广告管理 
  • comi605l品牌管理 
  • COMI 610L Social Media Strategies and Tactics 
  • COMI 615L Global Consumer Insights 
  • comi700l IMC顶点



  • 通讯专业
  • Declared dual concentration in 广告 and 公共关系 (or a plan to declare a dual concentration)
  • 累积绩点3.0的整体
  • 累积绩点3.主修专业
  • 填妥的申请表格
  • 当前的简历
  • 两封推荐信
  • A personal statement outlining how the five-year program will help the applicant’s career goals

Application deadlines for Current 本科 Students

9月30日th  申请人的大三年级.  A review of applications received after the deadline cannot be guaranteed.

马上申请  pdf图标  (只限在读本科生)

Download and complete the above application. You may either bring it directly to the Program office in LT 238 Monday through Thursday, or scan and email it to the address on the application


The four graduate classes you will take as an undergrad will be billed at the current undergraduate tuition rate. Graduate classes taken after you complete your undergraduate degree will be billed at the current graduate tuition rate. 

Requirements for degree completion

B.A. in Communication requires the successful completion of courses totaling a minimum of 120 credits, with a minimum of 30 credits completed at Marist, 最少2个.0 cumulative GPA, the specified coursework for the student’s major field, and 最少2个.0 GPA in the student’s major field.

M.A. in IMC is a 30-credit program; 12 credits will be completed as an undergraduate, and 18-credits as a graduate student in the fifth year. 学生必须保持3分.0 cumulative GPA, and a “C” or better in all required courses.